Mungkin kamu  udah ngasih banyak perhatian ke orang tua, pacar, atau  temen-temen. But have you taken care of yourself as well as you do to others.
                Kadang kita suka nggak sadar kalo kita ternyata suka “kejam” sama diri kita sendiri. We push ourselves too hard and expect too much of ourselves.
                Hasilnya, kita sendiri yang cape dan stres. Padahal Sekali-kali kan boleh saja kita menjaga diri. Kuncinya harus seimbang antara bekerja dan senang-senang. Menjalankanya memang nggak gampang, tapi hidup seimbang bisa bikin kamu lebih sehat secara fisik dan mental. Here are some to tips to balance your life.

1. Set Your Goal
2. Take Action to Reach Your Goal
3. Improve Your Skill
4. Do Your Best at Every Task
5.Don’t Let Fear Stop You
6. Never Stop Learning
7. Never Give up
8. Manage Your Time Better
9. Be Passionate About What You Do
10. Be Proactive

1. Don’t Push Yourself Too Hard
2. Give Yourself a Time-Out
3. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
4. Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help
5. Cultive a Sense of Humor
6. Play Attention to Your Healt
7. Let Thing GO
8. Keep Your Life Simple
9. Surround Yourself with Positive People
10. Live in the Present

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